GeoCities Community Forum

Welcome to the GeoCities Community Forum. Use this form to post your own entries to the board if you are already a member of our community, or go to our information page to learn more about becoming a member and our free personal home page program.

Please read the following sections regarding posting entries to the forum!

GeoCities discourages the following things:

Here are some tips to reduce the download time for the forum page.

  • To embed a YouTube video you should write it like this:
    [YT=video_id] - Where video_id is enter the id after for example:
    becomes [YT=BXCapmAq6Nc]
  • When adding a link to your page or image, you do need to include the beginning portion of the URL. For example, to add a link to Hollywood 1000, you should use write it like this:
  • To load an image on the forum that's stored in your Directory, you should write it like this:
    When embedding local images, you don't need to include the "" portion of the URL.

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