"Your Lesser-Known Neighbors"

i have so much to say about this, so get ready.

The Start

f+f started a few days after when oerrorpage.neocities.org was created. (october 12 2023)
when their project was just a month or less old (i dont remember) they contacted me if i want to join.
i checked out their site, and i approved (pending message: lemme look at this... approval message: cool),
everyone was positive about this project, sometime later, i made random comments (88x31 and 468x60 RULES!!!, the only popular and active site is this...)
i was just making a joke saying the most popular site that is still active is this, but i got a lot of replies, some person even said something about f+f needs us.

The Final Year (and month)

sometime later, happy new year! its 2024, wooooo!!! before the federicts joke, it was just "yay i got listed" and "add me plz" comments.
they did some districts parody, and on april fools, they did this thing called "two federis" , and now all the comments are "april fools right?".
and on april 8, they announced that they would mass unfollow them to be in the top 8, they pushed a ten year old neocities site (anlucas) off the top eight.
and then, C H A O S, i commented "wuh oh, people r leaving" i mean, they should not have unfollowed everyone... that created the time bomb.
an evil neocities person reported the site, thats what set off the timebomb.
april was the ticking timebomb for f+f, which set to sixteen days, until it blew, goodbye f+f, we will never know what your second site is!
i saw that div (the creator of neorings.org) archived the site, i decided to link it, but now i decided to unlink it, i just dont even like them anymore.