GeoCities Content Violation Reporting Form

Use this form to report violations of GeoCities home page content guidelines

If you are looking for help with your GeoCities home page, please see our new online help guide.
Please choose the button next to the violation that you are reporting.

EnchantedForest violations

Copyright infringement
* (Please see note below.)
Illegal activities

Software piracy


Racist/Hatred pages

Promoting physical harm

Excessive profanity

Offensive content

Signpost to another server

Remote loading to another server

Displaying sponsorship banners

Unregistered commercial page

Material that exploits children Other violations

What is the address of the violation?

Address #

Name (optional):
**Your E-mail Address:

* Please use the box below, to specify the exact URLs of the files that you feel are in violation of our guidelines. If you are writing to report a copyright infringement, please provide some evidence of ownership to the material in question.

** Must be filled out to receive a reply

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