Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

the internet blink exchange
Sponsored this week by McWonalds, IDM, and Microsoff
Under 3 banner ads served each month!

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Welcome to the Internet Blink Exchange, a free public service that lets you advertise this web site on banner ads just like the big corporations at a price that can't be beat! It's FREE!

If you have your own web site and want to become a member, don't bother exploring the rest of our web site. To learn more our exciting new service, just keep reading! Remember, the Internet Blink Exchange is a free public service that allows you to advertise this web site through banner ads -- a luxury previously available only to those with money.

What do you get out of it?

You get absalutely nothing! That's the cool part about it. There aren't too many services like this generous enough to offer nothing for nothing! But, I hope you get a good laugh out of it, and heck, if you are a webmaster you can even join in!

Can I join the Internet Blink Exchange?

Yes! To become an member of the Internet Blink Exchange, just pick one of these banners and grab the source code below them! Or, you can even make up your own banner and link it somewhere else as long as you keep the logo to the left (to make it look more funny). Also, be sure to mention you're a member of the Internet Blink Exchange (It's in the source code).

Pick a banner and then save the picture as blink.gif

Here's the source code

<a href="" target="_top"> <img width=440 height=40 alt="Internet Blink Exchange" src="blink.gif"><br><font size=-1>Member of the Internet <blink>Blink</blink> Exchange</font></a>

It would look like this:

Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

If you want, you can even redo the banner (just keep the blue part to make it more fun) and link it to another part of your site or a friend's site. Just cut out the code...

<a href="" target="_top"> <img width=440 height=40 alt="Internet Blink Exchange" src="blink.gif"></a><br> <a HREF=""> <font size=-1>Member of the Internet <blink>Blink</blink> Exchange</font></a>

It would look like this:

Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

Sponsored this week by Microsoff, IDM, and McWonalds
Please support our sponsors and enemies by visiting their web sites.
They help make the Internet Blink Exchange possible.

© 1996 The Internet Blink Exchange / Internet Marketing Problems